Friday, July 5, 2013

It's Friday, and I'm pondering Monday's bum rap.

Friday. The most celebrated day of the week. I've said before (not here) that Friday gets more credit than it deserves, day if the week wise. Yes, it's the day before the traditional week-end, and most everyone rejoices when the day finally arrives. This year, the Fourth of July fell on Thursday meaning a lot of folks are in the second day of their long weekend. Most folk, unless they are retired, are loving these days but know that dreaded Monday is out there, waiting, looming like some dreaded event. Like a colonoscopy or Tabasco enema. I say this about Monday...hallelujah!  I say that for a few reasons I'll ramble through right now.

If you don't get a Monday, then next Friday ain't coming.

One seventh of your life is spent on Monday. If you live to be 70 years old, that means you spent seven years of your life pissed on 1/7th of it. Fourteen years if you spend all day Sunday pissed over Monday coming, and that is just plain old Jethro Bodine ignorant. You sleep through 1/3 of the seventy years, equaling twenty-three years and three and a half months. That doesn't leave a lot of time to be happy when you start whittling away working, being young and stupid, watching TV, thinking about sex (if you're a dude, that's a lot of time), eating, figuring stuff catching my meaning here?

What if liberals all got together and abolished Monday. Then folks would be dreading Tuesdays, and the cycle would continue. Most folk would then dread 1/6th of their lives. Then the coalition to abolish Tuesdays and restore Mondays would rise up and chaos would ensue. Civil rights would be violated and new give away programs started over the post traumatic stress induced over abolishing Mondays. Hell, I've noticed that if you hand out free one hundred dollar bills, some people will bitch about the denominations being too large. Monday? Bring em on. I love my Mondays. I'm gonna be as happy as a fat dude at a free steak and ice cream buffet with all the days I've got left. You should too. You only ride this train once.

I write from a small hamlet in North Carolina. We have decided to hang in Maggie Valley for a day or so, and enjoy the quiet of the mountains for  a few more days. We had planned to meet a few of our friends in Alabama, but inclement weather quashed that plan with the potential for floods and every fireworks display in the southeast being cancelled. We left Kingston, Tennessee headed towards Chattanooga, but hung a left after it was raining so bad we had to pull over to the side of the road and wait it out. At the rate we were traveling it might have taken us a month to get there. We rode through Pidgeon Forge and Gatlinburg Tennessee, two of the biggest tourist stops in the south. It was so congested with visitors, even with the crappy weather, that my bride and I took the bypass and the Blue Ridge Parkway to get around it all. There are roads every man must drive in his life at least once and I've been on two of them many times. The Dragons tail at Deals Gap. The Blue Ridge Parkway, just for the incredible high mountain vistas, the Pacific Coast highway, just to name a few. It's a memorable way to spend your allotted days, and ones that make memories.

I'm going to wrap it up. My bride is still snoozing, unusual for her. She needed a break from the office and I'm allowing her all the time she needs to catch up. This is our transition trip. Just us, no kids, no stress, no "are we there yet?" nothing.

All us right with the world. And Monday is only three days away. YES!

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