Friday, July 12, 2013

Good ole Monday is just around the corner...

Well it's Friday again. I was allowed four wake ups again this week just to get to everyone's favorite day of the week. I'll say it again, I like Mondays. I'm a dare to be different kinda dude, and on some occasions I'll hang it out there just to challenge someone's intellect. Make em think it over. I say this a great deal, but every man is assigned one life. I hope that for my life, I wear every part of it out, leaving big ole long skid marks right up to the edge of six foot deep clay hole my ragged out brain holder will rest in until God himself sees fit to return and do whatever he has preordained. I just hope there are cars and car dudes in heaven or paradise. And slot car track.

I'm going to keep this entry short and sweet today. I think I might have said that same thing last Friday whilst I was traveling and then rambled on for another five or six paragraphs. I started out this week in review of my previous weeks travels moving into the "you can never go home again" theme. I broke off into listening to Yankee liberals plotting on how to rip off this government to continue eating steak and shrimp. I'm again using the term Yankee and liberal as an interchangeable word here. I did notice however, that in the last election (reelection) of the chosen one, that the majority of the Yankee states voted his majesty back into office. If it offends you, well, vote conservative...not republican, conservative next time. I got side tracked by my surprise visit from my favorite car dude, my grandson, so all was right in my world.

My nineteen year old daughter, who has been influenced by tree huggers everywhere, finally got a taste, first hand, at what too much government does to folk. She somehow smashed her car into a parked car in a small North Georgia town where my middle daughter (the one who made my grandsons) lives. She maintains that she was transporting her friends dog in the car, fresh from the vet, and all 80 pounds of him jumped into the front seat while she was driving down the main road there, ending with a crash. I got a call from her, crying of course, saying she had wrecked her car into a parked car and her car was now making strange noises and goop was dripping out from underneath. Well the cops indeed showed up and wrote her a few tickets to which she had to appear in court for. Failure to maintain lane was the biggie. For the past two years, she has maintained she is, and I quote,"a grown assed woman". At least as far as her privacy and comings and goings are concerned. Now her mom and I have raised all our kids to think independently, to not follow the pack, and to respectfully challenge authority. I told her when she turned seventeen that I and her mom had made all the decisions concerning her life up to that point, and we'd let her be in charge of her life issues from that point forward. It was really a "hold on loosely but don't let go" deal. We let her think she was in charge, and by in large, she hasn't abused the trust we gave her.

 Here's my point. She had to go to court concerning her "failure to maintain lane" offense.  Court was seventy miles away, and she decided she'd handle "it" herself. I told her, you wrecked it and got the ticket, now go do what every grown assed person I know has to do...handle it. Now I had to drive up there and inspect her car, and she indeed tore that mutha up. It smashed the hood, fender, busted out the entire light assembly and I mean obliterated it. It's a Chrysler product so the battery was hiding in that same general vicinity and was the origin of the goop dripping out from underneath. So I brought tools. Big, ugly tools made for beating and prying, and I put them to good use. It took me two hours just to get the totaled out battery from its formerly square home. It's perch resembled one of the modern objects d'art you might see sitting in front of an art museum. I beat and pried and swore some, because it was hotter than four hells that day, but finally got the poor dead thing unhinged. I spent another hour beating it into a shape that might accept another battery so I could get the car back home so I could access its injuries further, which I did. I beat and smoothed out as much as I could, got the front end realigned, and put her and my daughter back on the road. My sweet young daughter then asked me, "Daddy (she calls me that these days when she wants something), am I going to be the girl who drives the wrecked car?" Without hesitation I replied, "are you the girl who wrecked her car?" Followed by the silence of realization, "yes" she replied. "Then, yes, you will be the girl who drives a wrecked car." I added, "girls who wreck cars tend to drive wrecked cars, wouldn't you agree?"

Sorry for the sidetrack, but here's what I consider to be the best part of this story. She went to court, all gussied up looking as lovely as a runway model. Both her mom and I suggested that she might want to tone down her natural beauty and straighten her long trusses putting them into a more conservative style, one that might not cause frumpy old female judges to think "I'll show thus purdy little bitch what the justice system can do" as soon as she clears the door. I'd like to say she heeded our advice, but as Mark Twain stated, "if Ida said it I'd be lying it." So, she pranced her grown ass right out the door looking like a runway model ready to set the court system in its ear with her wit, charm and exceptional good looks. Three hours later she called crying, saying how unfair the world is and how she was the only white person there, and they treated the criminal Mexicans and Blacks better than they treated her, and boohoohoo.

She finally made it home. She has to take a defensive driving course, and pay a $200.00 fine. "But all I have is my savings and I was planning on going to the beach with my friends on that money..." We both reminded her that grown assed people pay their fines, drive wrecked cars if they indeed wreck them, and face the consequences of their actions head on when confronted. She didn't seem to like that answer very much. I reminded her how different and painful it was when it was money she had earned. She didn't like that much either. I asked her how she liked big government now, seeings she has liberal tendencies like most young folks seem to have these days. How'd she like the liberals in her pocket to the tune of $400.00 dollars just for crashing her car into a parked car, and a gas guzzling environment trashing SUV at that! I then asked her what kinda party did she think the liberal judge was going to have on her hard earned money. She didn't like it much. It was a teachable moment that was not lost on her.

I think she's coming around.

That's all I've got today.

1 comment:

  1. Jim,

    Great story...I like true and funny.

    I'm glad she's ok; only suffering a bruised ego...and checkbook :D


