Thursday, July 4, 2013

God Bless America, my home sweet home!

It's the Fourth of July in blog land and all across the United States of America. I'm visiting with my cousin James and his sweet wife. We have enjoyed all day conversation on various and sundry topics, most of which I've forgotten, but all cherished. There have been many things we've shared over the years at family reunions, phone conversations and instant messaging via Facebook. I am blessed to have some very intelligent philosophical cousins, all sporting a terrific sense of humor and irony that would make most seasoned comedians say "do you mind if I use that in my act?" Add in the fact I have three first cousins all 6'4" and weighing in over three hundred pounds, and you've got the makings of the four horsemen. It would require Clydesdales, the big beer type horses, to haul us four around before any serious "apocalypse-ing" could get done.

We are some well-fed big-ole, southern-boy, steak eating dudes.

It's day three of our vacation and so far it's been filled with driving through rain storms that would make Noah (of Noah's Ark fame) start eyeballing a lumber pile for floating wood. Frog strangler, gully washer, boat sinker, nut floater, you get it. It has been doing some biblical flood type raining while we've been traveling. We drove over to Kingston Tennessee yesterday to visit said cousin James, son of my dad's sister, my first cousin. In my family, that means something. He's a loyal patriot and as upset with the direction the current government and the liberal press have taken this great country of ours in. It seems that patriotism to most young folks extends about as far as how much they can squeeze out of the government tit. And not much further. Not all are that way. Thousands of young men who've gone to war and sacrificed all fully understand it. They deserve as much or more than this country is willing to give.

In my opinion, when a soldier gives his or her limbs, most of their mind, and the majority of his life in battle, he deserves a free home, the best health care, free gasoline, get it. These men and women deserve our best. They've given there's to us. You'll hear these liberal bed wetters say that our troops are dying for oil and if you boiled it down, their might be some truth in that. But they are preserving our way of life. Let a liberal run out of free stuff from this government hell bent on creating entitlement driven zombies, and I'll show you protests not seen since the hippie sixties. I do admire the "Greatest Generation", but damn, they parented the hippie generation and those bastards are the ones killing this great country from the inside out.

I've not much more to say here. I'm enjoying my brides company. She's loosened up about sleeping under someone else's roof. The hospitality we've been shown by my family is the kind written about in books. Cousin James is a fantastic cook, and probably could have himself a cooking show after Paula Deen got railroaded by the sorry assed afore mentioned liberal press. Anyone with a half a brain (obviously excluding Obamas mindless zombie followers) knows its how they operate. He admitted to me though, he's sure he's used the "N" word in the last month, so he's happily relegated himself to his home kitchen. Let me tell you, that dude can cook. I'm grateful to have loyal patriots whose blood and lineage I share.

I've done a great deal of rambling this morning, but I've only got one finger and a lot to get down on paper. It's my blog, so you can start your own if you don't like mine.

God Bless America, the land I love.


  1. Enjoying the blog.

    Read it every day Jim.

    Compos Mentis:)

  2. We REALLY enjoyed the visit with you and your bride the past couple of days. It was not only refreshing, but much needed for my soul to spend time with "my blood and lineage." There are so many things that money CAN buy in this world to make life better, but spending quality and enjoyable time with kindred genes and spirits is something akin to heaven itself - PRICELESS!!!

    Love you, Cuz, and give your bride another big hug for me!
