Thursday, June 27, 2013

Today I am using my I-phone to blog. I'm not a serious tekkie, but I'm chauffeuring my lovely bride around today, so a few things will be a bit different. First, she (and I emphasize she) is shopping at a few places that I'll not share with you. I tend to not care much for shopping unless it involves car parts or junkyards. I am simply the vehicle by which she is dropped at the front door and picked up from the same at the conclusion of her duties. Second, I'm typing this with my right index finger on my little-bitty phone, same one I use to pluck an occasional booger with (not the phone, the finger). That bit of info probably falls under the "need to know" law, and you probably didn't need to know...but now you do. Technology has come a few million miles since I matriculated in the late seventies to the early eighties, some good, some bad. The fact that you now know I have a booger pickin' finger, and admit it, is proof of that. Knowing I typed this whole thing with my right index finger really isn't a such a stretch, I type with both my index fingers if the keyboard is bigger...

I think the best part about technology is how you can keep up with friends and enemies, and all at a safe distance. I have a lot of friends from my past I have warm fuzzies about, but it is best that the fuzzies stay in place. I used the term enemies, and I might have a few. I haven't seen or spoke to any I can recall for a few years. I chose to not allow a-holes to rent space in my head for free. So I just don't think of them much, but I do wish them well. Facebook has been a great way to find out every detail of past friends, both good and bad. I will say that it is cool to see pictures of exotic places friends have visited. But I can assure you, technology was not created so everyone can know where you are currently making future turds. I do not care where someone is eating lunch locally. I'm certain the eggheads who created GPS on demand never dreamed that where someone is shopping or dining locally would ever matter to anyone with sense enough to get in out of the rain.

I guess my point is, I just do not care to know the minutiae (five dollar college word alert for minute details) of your daily comings and goings. Go buy stuff, eat out, just leave the pictures and descriptions for the locations a few hundred miles away that have inherently more interest than a burger with fries and a cold drink.  .

My bride just texted me while I was typing and asked me the dimensions of a queen sized bed. So I Googled (a verb) it. My answer was, in 2.3 seconds, 60 X 80 inches with no less than a few thousand entries listed for answers. Post 2.3 seconds plus the two minutes it took me to text her the answer, I'm back here blogging my pickin' finger off. Back in the day, it would have taken a few hours to find out that info off the cuff. You'd have to call somebody who loved you, with a tape measure, willing to go measure a queen sized bed, assuming they had one. All this while you called them from a pay phone with pen and paper in hand and the correct change. After you explained to them your request and answered all the "what the Hell are you doing" questions, you were set. So technology just simplified the complicated. Billion dollar technology cured the queen sized bed dimension dilemma in seconds. I'm not even sure I spelled dilemma correctly, but technology, via spell checker, fixed that problem too.

I'm keeping it short and sweet today. My typing finger is getting sore and I feel a booger coming on, so I'll need to end it here. I need to save a little finger strength for my nasal mining activities.You probably didn't care to know that either, did you? Technology made sure you did.

I'm not sure where I'll be eating lunch today, but you can bet your sweet ass it will involve meat, but the location? I'm keeping that to myself. I think you'll appreciate that.

Technology. Without it you'd never know.

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