Thursday, June 20, 2013

I guess its a good thing to not name days after three days of attempting to talk to the great unknown. I see that no one is currently reading these words right now...other than the first day I posted up the fact that I might even start a blog. So here goes day three.

I'm an outgoing dude who is trapped in an injured body. My left knee and ankle were severely busted up 23 years ago when I was hit head on by a jeep whilst riding a ten speed bike. And I mean in  "I want to ride my bicycle, I want to ride my bike...." bicycle. I won't go into detail other than to tell you it was the reason I got to stay in the hospital for two years. But I'll talk on that later when I feel like it.

Some days it causes me to wonder if I have been mentally effected by the whole incident...I mean, I am making one tenth of the living I used to, mostly by laying it all out on the line financially in 2008 and getting my butt kicked in as a net result of the banking world going away. If anyone gives a shart and not that it matters now, I have always been conservative in my approach to building wealth. My business partner and I carefully built our company over fifteen years to have it all  crumble down in a sea of apologies and bankruptcy for everyone we knew in the business we were in. I have a hard time reconciling with the now long term effects of my physical injuries, but the loss of all we worked hard to carefully build still stings after five years. Not whining, just a grown man stating facts.

I keep thinking it (the injuries) is going to get better. And my financial condition. And the way I feel about the world and what kind of parent I was to my now grown children. I hope and pray that at least one of my kids know I have always wanted the best for them. I disciplined them out of love and because I cared. I always felt like our job as parents was to raise merciful warriors. Their Mom taught them mercy and I taught them how to be a warrior. Not about lopping heads off whenever crossed mind you, but that the world is a mean place for those without common sense. I've seen the world eat a lot of stupid people, and a few reasonably smart conservative ones too.

Now that the task of "parenting" is over, and their mother and I move into "mentor and friend" mode, I wonder if it was all worth it.And it gives me pause. It makes me wonder about the whole"circle of life" issue....

It makes me wonder if the whole game of life is rigged from the git-go.

It makes me wonder about other things who invented liquid soap and why. And...cheese in an aerosol can. And...terms like "Government Intelligence"...

I told you I got hit head-on by a Jeep didn't I? 

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