Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Floggin' your Blog Day 1

So, this is the first day of my journey into the bloggosphere. I'm starting this blog for a number of reasons, some of which I'll share with you, some I'll forget. Seems that these days, if you start a blog, you are somehow more legitimate. I'm an ex-bank employee meaning I was laid off a few months before the FDIC closed the hometown bank I worked for. I chose that bank over a larger National Bank thinking it was good to be back in my small town I called home since 1969. Well, like many decisions I'd like to get a "do-over" on, like my Dad telling me about a company named Microsoft way back in my college days and how I might ought to buy a few shares, to passing on the bigger more national bank as a means of employment. Little did I know that was the end of my twenty-five year banking career. There's a whole lot that happened between 2008 and now, a lot of challenges my bride and I overcame (overcomed just doesn't sound right) and maybe later I'll get around to sharing some of that. Maybe not, nobody likes a whiner.

I can assure you of this. You will find some things written here funny. That's my nature. Life is just to dang short to be pissed all the time. The beer guys really nailed it when they did the commercials. "You only go around once" and 'Grab the Gusto"...you get the picture. I'm certainly not the sharpest knife in the drawer, but I'm certain (based on the current party running the country) I'm not the dullest either. Maybe that's not completely true...maybe I am the dullest college graduate over fifty on this planet.


I should mention that my previous financial standing vanished like a fart in a hurricane. Being broke makes every thing taste better, smell different, fit different and cost more to obtain. I've been challenged wallet wise for five years now. I've learned to live with it but I will confess I don't like it much. I've not stopped looking for a newer, better means of making a living, but I'm still in persuit of that opportunity. I'm still looking for the job of millionaire. As my favorite author Mark Twain said "I am opposed to millionaires, but it would be dangerous to offer me the position." our only disagreement is I'm not opposed to them.

We'll talk about everything from cars to life experiences. It should be a "Gusto" (defined as "vigorous enjoyment, zest") defined trip, and I'm not a dictator, so, let's hear what you have to say.

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