Tuesday, June 25, 2013

So, today we'll continue on my take on Relationships. Remember, I'll take the "no whiner" route here. If you need a hug, you've come to the wrong place. Maybe more shrugs would fix it. As one of my football coaches said one time, "Chew on a Rolaids if it hurts bad, chew two if it hurts really bad... your Momma ain't out here!"

Harsh words can hurt a person more than physical pain.  Really? If you've ever been run over by a car, you'd know that physical pain does indeed hurt worse than words. I recall a line from the movie "Aliens" (plural-the second one) when the Interstellar Marines were told they couldn't use armor piercing bullets on the acid blooded critters looking to lay eggs in every human walking, just have them explode out of the chest of the host at birth. The platoon leader said "store your bullets, they might pierce the hull of the nuclear reactor". One of the Marines replied "Whatcha want us to use, harsh language?" Now understand, I'm against berating kids into disobedience and despair, but grown ups? Chew on a Rolaids. If it's really harsh words, chew on two.

A mistake is an accident.  Cheating and lying are not mistakes. Cheating and lying are in the eyes of the one on the receiving end. Every successful business man I have ever heard be described by at least five people will have one say he is/was a liar and a cheat. It's just the nature of humans. I will admit, there are true liars and cheats, and the majority of them have a cushy government job in Washington. They are called politicians, and I'm sure there is a Greek or Hebrew translation that has an equivalent word mentioning "Legal liar and cheat" in it's origin. A mistake is locking your keys in the car, not appropriating millions of dollars for your brother in law to build a bridge to no where. I will quote another movie here, "The Hunt for Red October" when Jack is debriefing the Joint Chiefs concerning the submarine piloted by Sean Connery's character, Marco Ramius. After the debrief, the lone politician tells Jack, "Look, I'm a politician. When I'm not kissing babies, I'm stealing the lollipop out of their hands when their parents aren't looking." The mistake was looking away. Be wary of anyone who sez they are helping you...for free. 

Excessive jealousy doesn’t tell someone how much you love them. I've never been the jealous type. I guess it's written in the genetic code of every person and I'm not endowed with that particular gene. I've been to class reunions with my still lovely bride of thirty years, and had dudes tell me (her classmates) how they wished they had asked her out on a date. I tell em, "Look, I've been married to her for a long time and have three kids by her. Take your best shot." I love her and would die for her, but I'd understand if she up and decided she has had her fill of me. I'm amazed every morning when I wake up and look over and she's still there. It says so much more about her than it ever could about me. She is just a great human being and the greatest blessing I have ever gotten. I have pledged to her, however, that if she ever decides to leave me, I'm going with her. 

When people get nasty with you, it’s usually best to walk away.  I think the best way to handle this situation is to just stay away from nasty people. Walking away is obviously a female trait, seeings dudes I know would just soon fight it out than turn tail and run. I have noticed that people are much braver on the internet or in their SUV. I've seen many a diminutive loudmouth carry a bigger stick on the interstate and on the information super highway. Hulk Hogan in a Miata has met his superior in a dwarf driving a Hummer. I do believe that diplomacy has it's place, but most times when two dudes are screaming insults about the others Mom and how many legs she walks on, it's too late. 

People will treat you the way you let them treat you. I guess there is a lot of truth in that statement. If you let people treat you like a doormat, don't complain about the boot prints on your welcome sign. Treat folks with dignity and respect until they no longer deserve it. I once heard a comedian say; "Be nice to the dorky kids in school, you may be asking them for a job someday." 

My wise father told me once, "I'll give anyone my undying loyalty until they prove they are no longer worthy of it."

I like that.

We'll finish the relationship thing up tomorrow. 

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